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Inserting a new pitcher


The starting pitcher has already been set by using the Roster & Lineup Manager. The starting pitcher has also been set in every cell on the scoresheet. Once a game starts you must always use the P key to insert a new pitcher.



Make sure the cursor is on the correct cell then press P to insert a new pitcher. The Insert Pitcher dialog box will appear. 


If you are making a double switch then click the Insert Defensive Replacement button first to select the new fielder!


Select the pitcher that you want to insert from the list then select where the pitcher will bat in the batting order. If you know the pitcher will not bat then select DOES NOT BAT (using a DH for example).


Every cell from the current cell to the end of the scoresheet will be set to the new pitcher. A New Pitcher Marker (red line at the top of a cell) will be placed in the current cell to separate the new pitchers stats from the previous pitchers stats.


The new pitcher will be automatically set on defense.