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Batting Stats *Calculated by program
AB At bats
AB-PH At bats as a pinch hitter
AB-L At bats from left side of plate
AB-R At bats from right side of plate
AB/BB At bats per base on balls
AB/2B At bats per double*
AB/H At bats per hits*
AB/HR At bats per home run*
AB/SO At bats per strikeout*
AB/3B At bats per triple*
AB-S At bats with men in scoring position
BB/SO Base on balls to strikeout ratio*
BB Base on balls
BA-L Batting average from left side of plate*
BA-R Batting average from right side of plate*
BA-S Batting average with men in scoring position*
BA Batting average*
BA-PH Batting average as a pinch hitter*
BOP Batting order position
CI Catchers interference
CS4 Caught stealing home plate
CS2 Caught stealing second base
CS3 Caught stealing third base
CS Caught stealing
CHS Current hitting steak*
2B Doubles
XBH Extra base hits*
FBO Fly ball outs
G Games played
GBO Ground ball outs
GIDP Grounded into double plays
HBP Hit by pitch
PH Hits as a pinch hitter
H-L Hits from left side of plate
H-R Hits from right side of plate
H-S Hits with men in scoring position
H Hits
HR-P Home runs as a pinch hitter
HR-L Home runs from left side of plate
HR-R Home runs from right side of plate
HR-S Home runs with men in scoring position
HR Home runs
IBB Intentional base on balls
LOB Left on base
LHS Longest hitting streak*
OBP On base percentage*
PA Plate appearances*
ROE Reached on error
RLSP Runners left in scoring position
RMU Runners moved up
RBI-P Runs batted in as a pinch hitter
RBI-L Runs batted in from left side of plate
RBI-R Runs batted in from right side of plate
RBI-S Runs batted in with men in scoring position
RBI Runs batted in
R Runs scored
SF Sacrifice flies
SH Sacrifice hits
1B Singles
SLG Slugging percentage*
SB2 Steals of second base
SB4 Steals of home plate
SB3 Steals of third base
SBP4 Stolen base percentage for steals of home plate*
SBP2 Stolen base percentage for steals of second base*
SBP3 Stolen base percentage for steals of third base*
SBP Stolen base percentage*
SB Stolen bases
SO Strikeouts
TOR Thrown out running bases
TPO Times picked off
TA Total average*
TB Total bases*
3B Triples
Additional Batting Stats
KL Strikeouts looking
Kc Called strikeouts
HR2 Two run homeruns
HR3 Three run homeruns
HR4 Bases loaded homeruns
TBc Total pitches a batter seen
PPA Pitches per Plate Appearances
FC Times reached base on a Fielders Choice
TLB Times left on base