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Creating Series Reports
To create a report with a series of games:
1. Click the SI button on the toolbar then select the report you would like to create. Click Ok.
2. Select the team and database to load for this report. Click Ok.
3. Select Reports/Create a series report from the main menu or click the Series Report button on the toolbar.
4. Hold down the CTRL key and left click the games you want to include in this report.
5. Click the appropriate Modifier for the report type you are creating.
None - Click if you selected a random series of games.
Opponent - Click if you selected consecutive games against the same team.
Home stand - Click if you selected a series of consecutive home games.
Road trip - Click if you selected a series of away games.
Notice the Comment field will change depending on the modifier you have selected. You may edit this field after you are done making all your selections. The dates shown will always be the first and last games you have selected.
6. Click Finish when you are sure you have selected the games you want.
Note that you must use simple batting, pitching and fielding reports when creating Series Reports since the original macro that was attached to the report will be lost.
Don't forget to save your report!