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HTML Creation Options
Note that these options will only take affect if the Use HTML Suite settings box is checked under HTML Options.
Creation options allow you some control over the way your HTML files, including the contents page, will be created. Each option is explained below:
Underline links on contents page
By default, the links on the content page to each report are not underlined to give a less crowded appearance. Check this box if you want all links to be underlined.
Clicking a link on the contents page opens the link in a new window
Normally when you click a link the new page replaces the current page in your browser. You must then use the Back button in your browser to return to the contents page. You may find it easier to navigate if a link opens in a new window when you click on it. Using this method allows the contents page to be available all the time. Check this box if you want a link to open in a new window when clicked.
Adjust contents page to the width of the browser window
The contents page will normally appear as wide as the longest link or text that it contains. To force the contents page to always be at least as wide as the browser window check this box. This often makes the content page more pleasing to the eye.
Adjust all stat reports to the width of the browser window
All stat reports will normally appear as wide as the longest stat line or text that it contains. To force each stat report page to always be at least as wide as the browser window check this box. This often makes the stat report more pleasing to the eye.
Center all stat titles and comments
Stat report title and comment alignment be normally be whatever setting you chose when you created the report. To force all titles and comments to be centered check this box. This will often give reports a more uniform appearance.
Center stats on Suite reports
Normally stats are left aligned or right aligned depending on the stat field. Check this box to force all stats to be centered in their columns. This will not affect certain fields like names that should always be left aligned.
Include report comments
Check this box to include report comments in the HTML version of the report. These are the report comments you normally would see when viewing the report within BallStat.
Include Suite comments
Check this box to include Suite comments in each report . These are the comments you set from the Suite Properties dialog.
Show cell and table borders
Normally an HTML table, which Ballstat uses to make suite reports, will only show the border around the table. Check this box to also show the borders around each cell within the table. This option can give your reports a totally different, often more pleasing, appearance.