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Report HTML Properties
Note: Although you may still use these HTML settings it is recommended that you use the new Suite reports which offer many more features and a much improved look.
Select the type of HTML report you wish to create. There are 2 types to select from - Tables and Preformatted. Pre-formatted reports generally load much faster then table reports when a user accesses your page from the web. Table reports will encase your data in separate cells making them easier to read. Most stat services on the web use preformatted reports.
This setting will determine the width of the border surrounding the table. The higher the number the wider the border.
Cell spacing
This setting will determine how close the cells in the table will be. The higher the number the farther apart the cells will be.
Cell padding
This setting will determine how much padding will be around the text within each cell. The higher the number the more padding that is supplied. If the text in a report seems cramped then increase this number.
Title size
This setting will determine how large the title text in a report will be. The higher the number the larger the title text.
Check the appropriate box to create the report part with either bold or italic text. Set the spacing box to determine how many spaces will be inserted between each stat column in the report.
Horizontal rule placement
Check the appropriate box to insert a horizontal rule at the specified location in the report. These settings affect both type of reports.
Click the Text button to set the color of all text in the report. Click the Background button to set the background color of the web page. These settings affect both type of reports.
Copy buttons
Click the appropriate button the copy the current report property to all reports.