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Pitching Stats *Calculated by program
IP Innings pitched
R Runs allowed
ER Earned runs allowed
H Hits allowed
2B Doubles allowed
3B Triples allowed
HR Home runs allowed
BB Base on balls allowed
SO Strikeouts
HB Hit batters
WP Wild pitches
BK Balks allowed
W Wins
L Losses
Sv Saves
CG Complete games
SHO Shutouts
GS Games started
GF Games finished
OAB Opponents at bats
ORBI Opponents runs batted in
TBF Total batters faced*
QS Quality starts*
NOP Number of pitches
BSv Blown saves
NOB Number of balls thrown
NOS Number of strikes thrown
RPO Runners picked of base
SB Steals allowed
GBO Ground ball outs
FBO Fly ball outs
DPI Double plays induced
IR Inherited runners
IRS Inherited runners scored
IBB Intentional base on balls
1B Singles allowed
CWS Current winning streak*
LWS Longest winning streak*
CLS Current losing streak*
LLS Longest losing streak*
HST Highest strikeout total*
HBT Highest base on balls total*
HHT Highest hit total*
SH Sacrifice hits allowed
SF Sacrifice flies allowed
RTO Runners thrown out stealing while pitching
ERA Earned run average*
WP% Winning percentage*
OBA Opponents batting average*
SO/9 Strikeouts per game*
BB/9 Base on balls per game*
H/9 Hits per game*
2B/9 Doubles per game*
3B/9 Triples per game*
HR/9 Home runs per game*
HB/9 Hit batters per game*
BB/SO Base on balls to strikeout ratio*
IRS% Percentage of inherited runners that scored*
Sv% Save percentage*
BR/9 Base runners per game*
P/C Power / Control*
Additional Pitching Stats
FPS First Pitch Strikes
PPI Pitches per Innings Pitched
PBF Pitchers per Total Batters Faced
FPS% First Pitch Strike Percentage