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Fielding Stats               *Calculated by program    

Note: The below regular fielding stats use an estimated method of calculating Innings Played. Advanced fielding stats use the MLB method of calculating Innings played. A fielder is credited with one-third inning played for each out that was recorded while he was on the field. With this method each positions total Innings Played will equal the team's total Innings Pitched. 

All the below statistics can be entered manually or calculated from the totals of the advanced fielding statistics expect Innings Played.

IP Innings played (estimated method)
PO Put outs
A Assists
FE Fielding errors
TE               Throwing errors
E Total errors
PB Passed balls
RTO Runners thrown out
OSB Opponents stolen bases
G/P Games played at pitcher
G/C Games played at catcher
G/1B Games played at first base
G/2B Games played at second base
G/3B Games played at third base
G/SS Games played at shortstop
G/LF Games played in left field
G/CF Games played in center field
G/RF Games played in right field
G/SF Games played as short field
G/DH Games played as designated hitter
G/EX Games played as extra
G/PR Games used as pinch runner
G/PH Games used as pinch hitter
DPI Double plays involved with
FLD% Fielding percentage*
RTO% Runners thrown out percentage*
RF Range factor (estimated)

Additional Fielding Stats

INN Actual Innings Played - No Short Fielder stats included