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Creating reports with Ballstat

  Custom Report Maker

Once you have imported data into BallStat you can create reports. Do not attempt to create a report before any data has been imported. To properly create a report BallStat has to attach the report to a team index which will not exist until the team has been created. 

Use the Custom Report Maker (CRM) to create all the reports you will likely ever need. The CRM eliminates the need to manually create reports for each team, division or league. To start the CRM select Reports/Custom Report Maker from the main menu. The CRM contains 7 different tabs to allow the selection of reports and the formatting of all the reports that will be created. If you select to create all the reports available and have a large number of teams in your league then it may take a minute or two for report creation. Generally, you only have to create the reports once since all reports will display the most recent data each time they are opened. 

All reports will use the stats in the database that you select. If you check the Merge all databases box then BallStat will combine the stats from all databases for all reports.

The CRM will create the following report types:

These reports will show player totals for the season. You can create team, division, league, division set and leader reports. 

These reports will display player totals for a team only. However, you can create complex reports such as how a player performed in day games, night games, batting right handed & left handed, against each opposing pitcher, against each opposing team, at every ballpark, etc.  

Game reports will show team totals for the season or in each game. You can create reports for team totals, division totals, league totals & division sets. You will also use game reports to create league standings.  

You can create leader reports for each team, each division or the entire league. Use any stat supported by BallScore with up to the top 50 players for each stat.

You can delete all reports and start over by clicking the Options tab. It is also a good idea to make sure the Always overwrite existing reports button is checked.

You can set how your reports will appear with the Format tab. 

Click the Create reports button on the General tab to actually create the reports.

To select all the reports on a screen click the Check all button. To de-select all reports on a screen click the Uncheck all button. To create a single report type click the Uncheck all report types button then check just the report you want to create.

After the reports have been created you can open them with the , ,  and buttons on the BallStat toolbar.