These are actual HTML reports created by BallStat from data collected by BallScore. All these reports appear the exact way they were created by the programs and are totally untouched. Click on each link to display the associated report. Note that the stats contained on each report can always be changed. The number of different reports you can create is unlimited. Ballstat comes with over 330 stock reports to get you started.
Team Batting Team Batting - Last 5 games Pitching Home/Away
Pinch Hitting Team Games Batting by Opponents Pitching - Starters
Batting Analysis Team  Batting - Month Pitching - Relief
Batting w/RISP Batting - by Opposing Pitcher All Pitching Stat Lines
Batting Against LH Pitching Batting - Bases Full Team Fielding
Batting Composite Team Pitching League Fielding
Team Games Batting Pitching Analysis League Fielding - Position
Team Batting - Lineups Pitching vs. LH Batters Fielding - Games by Position
League Standings Pitching w/RISP League Leader Report
Individual Player Batting Team Pitching  
Team Batting - by Order Team Pitching by W/L