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Setting starting pitchersBallScore

As soon as you know the starting pitcher for a team press Shift+P. If a roster is already loaded then select the pitcher and click Ok. If you are starting with an empty roster then follow these steps:

1. Select the first empty spot on the roster then click Edit player.
2. Enter the player information you know then click Save.
3. Enter a file name for your roster making sure it ends with the .ros extension and click Save ( this step will not be needed if your roster has already been saved ).
4. Make sure the correct pitcher is selected then click Ok.

The starting pitcher will now be set and all current and previous pitching stats will now be credited to him. He will also be set defensively on the opposing teams scoresheet. The pitcher will not be inserted into the lineup, use the Insert player in lineup function below.

Note:Do not use this function to insert any pitcher other than the starting pitcher. If you need to insert another pitcher press P on the keyboard.