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Font/Cell PropertiesBallScore

There are 3 different fonts you can change with BallScore. Click the appropriate button to change the font you want.

Player name font
This is the name of all players shown on the scoresheet.

Play description font
This is the play description shown at the top of a cell: 1B,2B,BB,63, etc.

Runner description font
This is the description of how a runner advances around the bases: SB,CS,WP,PB,etc.

Always use RLM font
Check this button to use the bold Roster and Lineup Manager font in other BallScore dialogs. This bold font is sometimes easier to see on laptop computers.

Use full field display in scoring cells
Check this box to display the outfield wall in addition to the infield diamond.

Use round cursor
Use cross-hair cursor
Check either of these boxes for a different cell cursor that may improve visibility on some systems. The round cursor has a bulls-eye appearance and cannot show cross-hairs.

Cursor border width
New Batter Marker width
Select the width in pixels for either the cell cursor or NBM's. Again a higher value may improve visibility on certain systems.

Use cell alarm system
When this box is checked the cursor will be a bright yellow color with a cross-hair whenever the cursor is not on the next cell that should be scored.

Scoring cell width - The width of each scoring cell in pixels
Lineup cell width - The width of the player name slots on the scoresheet

When changing the scoring cell width you will more than likely have to select a different font size.

This chart will show you how many cells will show at different resolutions using the Normal Lineup cell width.

If using the Narrow Lineup cell width then add 1 inning.
If using the Wide Lineup cell width then subtract 1 inning.  

800x600 resolution
Cell size
78 pixels =  7 innings X 4 players
72 pixels =  8 innings X 5 players
66 pixels =  9 innings X 5 players
60 pixels = 10 innings X 6 players
54 pixels = 11 innings X 7 players
48 pixels = 13 innings X 7 players
42 pixels = 16 innings X 9 players

1024x768 resolution
Cell size
78 pixels = 10 innings X  7 players
72 pixels = 11 innings X  7 players
66 pixels = 12 innings X  8 players
60 pixels = 14 innings X  9 players
54 pixels = 15 innings X 10 players
48 pixels = 18 innings X 11 players
42 pixels = 21 innings X 13 players

Lineup cell width
Narrow = 2 X Scoring cell width
Normal = 3 X Scoring cell width
Wide   = 4 X Scoring cell width

Note: Whenever a new setting is selected it won't show until the next time you start BallScore