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Insert new pitcher into game

Situation: Inserting a new pitcher into the game.

Scoring steps:

1) With the cursor on the current batter press P.
2) On the Insert New Pitcher screen select the new pitcher and press Enter.
3) When prompted to place your new pitcher in the lineup now click Yes unless you are using a Designated Hitter or you want to wait until his team comes to bat. Always click No when using a DH.
4) If you clicked yes then the RLM screen will appear.
 a) Click the spot in the lineup where you want to insert the pitcher.
 b) Select the pitcher if he isn't already selected. (default)
 c) Select the P position if it isn't already selected. (default)

5) Click Accept & Exit
6) The Current Defense screen appears. Make any defensive changes then click Ok.

Scoresheet after play: