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Example report using all functionsBallStat

Here we are going to show how simple it can be to create a fairly complex report using the include, qualify, sort, macro and compress functions. We will be working with individual records and assuming they are already loaded in memory. We will also assume that the stats were tracked against each pitcher in the league. We will record the whole process using the macro function so we'll never have to repeat this process. The report we need is Batting averages against all right-hand pitchers in June.

First we will start with a blank report. Select FILE then New report from the main menu bar. Check Player individuals  then click Ok. We now have a blank report. Select Edit then Report title from the menu and type in the name of the report, Batting averages against all right-hand pitchers in June. Now we will add the stats we need for our report. We only need two stats but feel free to add as many as you would like. The two stats we must have are Player name and BA (batting average). We'll just use these two.

Select Edit then Insert field AFTER > then Miscellaneous. Select Player name from the selection box and click Ok.

Select Edit then Insert field AFTER > then Batting. Now select where you want to insert the stat after. Select Name and click Ok. Select BA from the selection box and click Ok. We now have the two stats we need for our report. The players name will almost always be the first stat you want in your reports for obvious reasons. Note that the stats you place in the report will be saved in the macro later.

To create the macro report we perform these simple steps.

1. Turn the recorder on.
Macros || Turn macro record ON

2. Hide all records.
Sort || Exclude ALL records

3. Include only records against right hand pitchers.
Sort || Include records > || Right handed opposing pitchers

4. Include only games played in June.
Qualify || Game data   Select Date of game
In qualify box enter 06/01/97  for minimum and 06/30/97  for maximum. Click Ok.

5. Compress records.
Sort || Compress records
Select All player records  and click Ok.

6. Sort by batting average.
Make sure sort order is set to descending by looking at status bar at bottom of screen.
If not, toggle it by using Sort from main menu or toolbar button.
Then, Sort || Batting. Select  BA  and click Ok.

7. Turn the recorder off.
Macros || Turn macro record OFF
Check the box  Save report title and stat headings with this macro

You can change the macro name if you want but make sure it describes the macro. Click Ok.

Thats it!. The next time you want to create this report you simply select Macro || Run display macro and select the name of this report.

Note that in step 5 above if you would have chosen Opposing pitchers  instead of All player records the report would show every  players batting average against every  right handed pitcher for the month of June. Be creative, you now have the power to create any report you want!