IP (Innings pitched)
R (Runs allowed)
ER (Earned runs allowed)
H (Hits allowed)
2B (Doubles allowed)
3B (Triples allowed)
HR (Homeruns allowed)
BB (Base on balls allowed)
SO (Strikeouts)
HB (Hit batters)
WP (Wild pitches)
BK (Balks allowed)
W (Wins)
L (Losses)
Sv (Saves)
CG (Complete games)
ShO (Shutouts)
GS (Games started)
GF (Games finished)
OAB (Opponents at bats)
ORB (Opponents runs batted in)
TBF (Total batters faced)
QS (Quality starts)
NOP (Number of pitches)
BSv (Blown saves)
NOB (Number of balls thrown)
NOS (Number of strikes thrown)
RPO (Runners picked of base)
SA (Steals allowed)
GBO (Ground ball outs)
FBO (Fly ball outs)
DPI (Doubleplays induced)
IR (Inherited runners)
IRS (Inherited runners scored)
IBB (Intentional base on balls);
1B (Singles allowed)
CWS (Current winning streak)
LWS (Longest winning streak)
CLS (Current losing streak)
LLS (Longest losing streak)
HST (Highest strikeout total)
HBT (Highest base on balls total)
HHT (Highest hit total)
SH (Sacrifice hits allowed)
SF (Sacrifice flies allowed)
RTO (RTO stealing while pitching)
ERNC (Earned runs not charged to team)
T (Tie games)
Ord (Pitching order)
DI (Defensive interference or obstruction)
ERA (Earned run average)
WP% (Winning percentage)
OBA (Opponents batting average)
SO/ (Strikeouts per game)
BB/ (Base on balls per game)
H/ (Hits per game)
2B/ (Doubles per game)
3B/ (Triples per game)
HR/ (Homeruns per game)
HB/ (Hit batters per game)
SO/BB (SO to BB ratio)
IRS% (% of inherited runners scored)
Sv% (Save percentage)
BR/ (Base runners per game)
P/C (Power / Control)
TERA (Team earned run average
IPS (Innings pitched per start)
PPS (Pitches per start)
%K (Percentage of strikes)
RA (Relief appearances)
Sc (Save chances)
GB/FB (Ground ball to fly ball ratio)
OSLG (Opponents SLG%)
OOBP (Opponents OBP)
GP (Games pitched)
Sc (Save chances)
GB/FB (Ground balls/Fly balls ratio)
IR/S (Inherited Runners/Scored ratio)
WHIP (WHIP ratio) |