Baseball stats scorekeeping software

There is NO cost to use BallStat/BallScore. Both programs are 100% free with no strings attached. Install on as many computers as you wish. Great for entire leagues!

Both programs will run under most versions of Windows including XP,2000,Vista,Win7 and Win8 (also 64 bit versions of all these Windows versions). Both programs will also run on a Surface Pro but NOT on a Surface RT. If you want to run the software on a Mac you will need the Parallels emulator software or the VMware Fusion emulator software and a legal copy of the Windows version you wish to install.

Whether you use your laptop at the game to score live or copy your paper scorebook into BallScore at homeBaseball stats scorekeeping software you'll have all the stats you need to analyze just how well your team is really performing. No mouse is required when scoring games live with BallScore, a real time saver when the action gets hot.

For FREE you will get -

  • Both programs - BallScore & BallStat (WebBuilder included).

  • Unlimited leagues, teams, players and reports including boxscores, leader reports, game & season team recaps, team season highs & lows and team individual highs. Of course you can create any report you want with BallStat's exclusive macro system but you may not need to as the program comes with over 330 stock reports to get you started. All reports are also available in HTML, RTF and text formats for publishing to the web or easy e-mailing. Actual, untouched reports created by Baseball stats scorekeeping software

  • View season stats while scoring a game with BallScore.

  • Seamlessly export stats directly to the BallStat database.

  • WebBuilder - build a complete, linked website with the click of a button.

  • Exclusive features for table top game players such as importing rosters and as-played lineups, customizable dice and much more.

  • Works on Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, 32 or 64 bit versions.

  • For a more complete list of the many features available click here.



Baseball stats scorekeeping software

Support is always available by email or by visiting our
              Delphi Technical Support Forum
You must register at the forum the first time you visit but it is of course free.

1961 Rosters & Lineups (BallScore Format)
1964 Rosters & Lineups (BallScore Format)
2007 Rosters & Lineups (BallScore Format)

All MLB rosters (no lineups) from 1871 to 2008. These rosters can be loaded into BallScore then saved in BallScore format.

Print your own manual in PDF format


Display season stats right on the BallScore scoresheet. You can select to display any 2 windows at one time.

Current batter season stats Baseball stats scorekeeping software
Current pitcher season stats Baseball stats scorekeeping software
Current teams season batting stats Baseball stats scorekeeping software
Current teams season pitching stats Baseball stats scorekeeping software
Current Line score Baseball stats scorekeeping software

Easily toggle between windows. BallScore will also display a player and teams complete season batting and pitching history + batting against the current opponent

Baseball stats scorekeeping softwareBaseball stats scorekeeping softwareBaseball stats scorekeeping software
Click images to enlarge




The goal of BallStat/BallScore is to make quality, professional baseball stats available to everyone who loves the game of baseball. Now that the program is free , price is no longer an issue. You can spend $40-$100 or more for baseball stat tracking software (not counting upgrade fees every year) and still not come near the power of BallStat/BallScore. Is BallStat/BallScore the easiest to use program available? No.
Is it the most powerful?
 Without a doubt.


Baseball Statistics Scorekeeping Software takes you to - Mark Miller's Baseball Goodies!Baseball Statistics Scorekeeping Software takes you to - www.maxpreps.comBaseball Statistics Scorekeeping Software takes you to - Ball Park Baseball's Fan Site
Baseball statistics scorekeeping software - Actual reportsBaseball Statistics Scorekeeping Software takes you to - Zangari's APBA Baseball LeagueBaseball Statistics Scorekeeping Software takes you to - John Kalous' 1949 Skeetersoft Replay

Free Dice Roller for table top games
 Click here


System Requirements

Windows Xp,Vista,
Win7, Win8
32 & 64 bit
Pentium processor
 50 megs of disk space
 256 megs of RAM

BallStat does not require administrator rights nor do
you have to turn UAC off with Vista32. BallStat will also
run fine under XP as a Standard User.

 Basic scorekeeping knowledge is helpful if using BallScore

Baseball statistics scorekeeping softwareBaseball statistics scorekeeping softwareBaseball Statistics Scorekeeping Software takes you to

Copyright 1995-2013
James Habel Software
All Rights Reserved





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